It is time to think about a new model of higher education, not a business model. Not one based on metrics. Not one that infantilizes students and faculty. Not one that makes private corporations profitable.
education is a social good. Tuition and living expenses should be provided by
the state. Adequate funds should be provided for community colleges and
technical schools. Flagship universities and branch campuses should offer night
discussion should take place about mixing online and in person learning.(Most
who experience online courses, students and faculty, are negative).Also, we should move beyond the false god STEM. Empirical research shows more graduates than jobs in many STEM areas.
models of knowledge integrating history, social science, philosophy,
literature, with science, engineering, and agriculture need to be developed.
should be held about ethics and research. Are there sources of funding and
research projects that violate the values of higher education?
we should return to real shared governance, with educators playing a leading
role in decisions about the educational process.