Friday, August 23, 2024


Harry Targ

The ideas of community, empowerment, and social justice were articulated for the Sixties in the Port Huron Statement, written by founders of the Students for a Democratic Society, particularly Tom Hayden. While written by and for a relatively privileged sector of disenchanted youth in a period of booming economic growth and military expansion, the document spoke to the passion for justice, participation, and community, and an “…unrealized potential for self-cultivation, self-direction, self-understanding, and creativity.”

It called for the creation of “human interdependence,” replacing “…power rooted in possession, privilege, or circumstance…” by “power and uniqueness rooted in love, reflectiveness, reason and creativity.”

By the late Sixties many were identifying a new society based on the Port Huron vision built on core principles. These included:

local control and participatory democracy;

racial justice;

gender equality;

equitable distribution of resources and the collective product of human labor;

commitments to the satisfaction of minimal basic needs for all of humankind;

the development of an ethic that connects survival to human existence, not to specific jobs;

human control over technology; and

a new “land ethic” that conceives of humankind as part of nature, not in conflict with it.

The vision led to the exploration of the impediments to the construction of a society based on human scale that would celebrate both individual creativity and community. Growing familiarization with the critique of capitalism suggested that the capitalist mode of production, dominant over two-thirds of the world, was based upon the exploitation, oppression, dehumanization, and repression of the vast majority of humankind.

Incorporating an understanding of the workings of capitalism reinforced the vision that philosopher Martin Buber called the decentralized social principle embedded in Port Huron’s eloquent call for “community.” Building a new society entailed class struggle which would manifest itself in factories and fields, in rich and poor countries, and in political venues from the ballot box to the streets.

Bringing about positive change was a much more complicated affair than activists originally thought, but the sustained and sometimes brutal opposition to visions, like that reflected in The Port Huron Statement, validated the general correctness of them.

Today, new generations of activists, along with older ones, are reflecting and participating in diverse social movements in our cities and towns. They have hit the streets demanding a ceasefire in the Middle East and a humane future for the Palestinian people. And now masses of activists reject the military/industrial complex, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, and the brutalization of the environment.

The efforts of Venezuelans, Bolivians, Colombians, and the Cubans who inspired us so much over the years are applauded. Now that energy is coming from all over the Global South. Important debates about social market economies, workers’ management of large enterprises, this or that candidate or political party particularly as modest forms of democracy are under threat, are occurring on the Internet and in the streets.

Although the times are so different from the 1960s, perhaps the vision of community that animated thinking then (which we in turn learned from those who preceded us) may still be relevant for today.

Tom Hayden and his comrades proclaimed that we must remain committed to the sanctity of human life, to equality, to popular control of all our institutions, to a reverence for the environment, and to the idea that the best of society comes from communal efforts to make living better for all. The Port Huron vision survives.



The Bookshelf


Read Challenging Late Capitalism by Harry R. Targ.