Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Noam Chomsky, Current Affairs, Amnesty International, Al Jazeera, Harry Targ



US Supports Israel with $3 billion in Military Aid Per Year Since 1979: this year $18 billion more

“… the crises will be serious in what President Eisenhower called “the most strategically important area in the world.” In the early post-War years, the United States in effect extended the Monroe Doctrine to the Middle East, barring any interference apart from Britain, assumed to be a loyal dependency and quickly punished when it occasionally got out of hand (as in 1956). The strategic importance of the region lies primarily in its immense petroleum reserves and the global power accorded by control over them; and, crucially, from the huge profits that flow to the Anglo-American rulers, which have been of critical importance for their economies. It has been necessary to ensure that this enormous wealth flows primarily to the West, not to the people of the region.”(Noam Chomsky, Excerpted from Fateful Triangle, 1999).

The Current Campaign of Israeli/US Genocide in the Middle East

The news coming out of the occupied Gaza Strip continues to be stark. The suffering is relentless.

As Amnesty International recently reported:

“Over 42,000 Palestinians have been killed, with 70% being women and children. Children have been starved to death. Families have been forced from their homes and their land rendered uninhabitable. For a second year, at least 45,000 first-graders in Gaza are unable to start the school year, according to the United Nations’ children’s agency, UNICEF”. (

And Now Lebanon                                         

 And the Second Nakba from The Progressive International.\

The Middle East and the Peace Movement

Most American politicians express their belief that the US must maintain a special relationship with the state of Israel. One of the few active mobilizations for peace today is the worldwide campaign to demand governments, corporations, and other institutions boycott, and divest holdings in what is regarded as an apartheid state, Israel, which oppresses its  Palestinian population and those living in the Occupied Territories. The campaign is so effective that along with national politicians, governors and state legislatures have taken stands against the BDS campaign.

Next to the historic US ties to Israel, most analysts see the deconstruction of the Middle East  as a direct result of the Iraq war initiated in 2003. Since then, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other countries have been torn apart by civil war fueled by western, primarily US, intervention,

The Middle East policies of the United States, and its proxy Israel, have created a growing resistance, directed at western targets and an ideological campaign against all the traditional imperial powers who dominated the region for hundreds of years.

With this as a backdrop, Israeli responses with United States complicity is stepped up high-tech killing justified by a public campaign that demonizes Muslims everywhere in the world including in the United States.

It is the obligation of the US peace movement to work even more vigorously to oppose US imperialism in the region and the transfer of military aid to Israel, and to demand autonomy for the Palestinian people. And for now the peace movement must continue to demand that the US pressure Israel to stop the bombing and killing of people in the entire region. The Greater Middle East vision of the United States and Israel has been a brutal vision.


The Bookshelf


Read Challenging Late Capitalism by Harry R. Targ.